Board of Governors

Ryan Markham - President

Ryan Markham - President

Ryan joined Elk Rapids Golf Club in 2017 and the board of governors in that same season. Ryan has a golf operations background having worked in golf course management at Grand Rapids Golf Club, Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, and The Chief & Hawk's Eye prior to his current career in cloud communications. Ryan has been instrumental in driving marketing and membership towards a younger generation to ensure the success of the club for the future. He has also been pivotal in the implementation of golf events to the membership serving as the chair for the membership/marketing and golf committee, prior to election as President in October of 2023. Ryan is married with two kids in Elk Rapids Schools, and the family enjoys anything outdoors in the Summer including golfing, boating, cycling, fishing, hiking, and beach days!
Shelley Appelbaum - Vice President

Shelley Appelbaum - Vice President

Shelley played her first round of golf at the Elk Rapids Golf Club in 2001 and now, over twenty years later, she is a proud member of the club, a full-time resident in Elk Rapids and I am serving her second term on the Board of Governors, as Vice President. In the world of work, Shelley devoted thirty-five years to the education profession in a variety of leadership roles in Ohio and Michigan. I had the privilege to work with talented students and colleagues during my teaching, coaching and administrative positions in both public, parochial and higher education environments. I enjoyed all of the opportunities on my professional journey and my passion is to contribute with integrity and enthusiasm in my volunteer roles in this phase of my life as well. My family and friends all know that my lifetime love of golf (a game that my mother taught me to play), is meaningful to me; I am truly honored to play at the Elk Rapids Golf Club and I will continue to do my best to serve a robust, talented and passionate membership.
Phil Anderson - Treasurer

Phil Anderson - Treasurer

Hello fellow golfers! Phil has been a dedicated and experienced member of the club since 2015. He is currently in his first term on the Board of Governors and serving as the Treasurer for the Elk Rapids Golf Course. With a keen eye for detail and exceptional financial management skills, he plays a vital role in ensuring the financial well-being of the golf course. Phil is commitment to accuracy and integrity and a trusted and reliable member of the team. In addition to his financial expertise, he brings a positive attitude and a passion for the sport of golf to all of his roles at the Elk Rapids Golf Course. In addition to his duties on the Board, Phil is President of the Wednesday Mixed League. He also has a solid background in financial matters as Accountant for his church and as chairman of the Finance Committee. Phil has also served as chair of the Visions and Strategic Planning committees and as President of the Church Council for two years. In his working career, he served as Purchasing Manager and earned his CPM certificate. When he is not playing golf, Phil is usually walking his two dogs or working in his garden.
Ted Shaw - Board

Ted Shaw - Board

Ted has been a ERGC member since 2017 after enjoying the course since the early 90’s. Shortly after he joined the Board of Governors, focusing on facilities and marketing. Ted is mostly retired, which allows frequent rounds at ERGC, seeking snow for Cross Country and chasing trout on the AuSable River.Thoughts on ERGC: "I’ve seen quite a transformation these past few years with a strong Board of Governors, amazing exterior and interior enhancements to our Clubhouse and a staff that can’t be beat! I look forward to the next 100 years."
John Steele - Board

John Steele - Board

John Steele and his wife Dawn have been members of the Elk Rapids Golf Club since 2013 and they regularly participate in the leagues, outings, and events at the club. They have made many new friends through our membership after transplanting in Elk Rapids from downstate Michigan.Their adult twin sons also enjoy ERGC when they can. John enjoys golf, pickleball, biking, kung-fu and skiing. Dawn and he enjoy travel golf and love to experience new destinations. John retired after serving 45 years in law enforcement and public administration at the local and state level. He has experience with several organizations where the mission is serving members and has experience with government organization strategic planning. He earned a BA in Political Science and an MPA in Public Administration from the University of Michigan-Flint. John has been on the Board of Governors since 2022 and hopes to be of service to the club and members whether elected to the board or asked to serve in another capacity.
Pamela Smith - Board

Pamela Smith - Board

Pamela is a new member of the board in 2024 but not a new face around the club. She has been a member of Elk Rapids Golf Club since 2017 and has enjoyed playing in the Ladies and Mixed leagues. She currently serves as the President of the Ladies’ league and is the club's Newsletter editor. She became very familiar with the operations of the club during employment in the pro-shop during the 2020 season. Prior to 2020 Pamela had a 30-year tenure with CGI, a global technology consulting company, as Vice President of Global Financial Services Solutions. She has senior management level expertise in organizational development, staff management, fiscal administration, and strategic planning. Besides finding Pamela on the golf course you can find her on the pickleball court or hiking with her two dogs.
Kay Romska - Board

Kay Romska - Board

Kay has been a member of the Elk Rapids golf course for twenty-eight years. She is serving her second term as a board member and served as president of the Elk Rapids Golf Club board in the past. She considers it a privilege to serve with the other board members and to serve the members of the club. Kay is excited to be a part of a group who takes every opportunity to grow and improve our gem. She is looking forward to another great season for all of us!
Mitch Rinek - Board

Mitch Rinek - Board

Mitch has been a long time golfer and occasionally a man “impersonating” a golfer. Mitch has enjoyed a cottage/home on Elk lake since 2000 with his wonderful wife Nancy for 52 years and is blessed with 2 married sons and 2 granddaughters. Mitch's career was as a Dermatologist and Mohs surgeon in private practice for 41 years in the Lansing and East Lansing area. Mitch has been a member of ERGC for 8-9 years and on the Board of Directors for 4 years. He serves as Co-chairperson of the Personnel Committee and the Green Committee. His focus as a Board member is to keep ERGC fiscally sound, approve appropriate spending, and to keep the club staffed by the best personnel in the Northern Michigan region. He takes great pride in our newly renovated Donald Ross course, outstanding clubhouse and grounds.
Brenda Corner - Board

Brenda Corner - Board

Brenda has completed 2 terms on the ERGC Board of Governors, and will complete her third term in 2025. She finds it rewarding to represent and serve the members of ERGC, while being part of a team that has been involved in so many exciting improvements to the club. Brenda retired from the State of Michigan as a caseworker in 2007. That same year she and her husband Larry became members of ERGC and she started her second career as a full time recreational golfer! She looks forward to working with fellow board members and great staff as they continue to improve the facilities and the course which will lead to a great golfing experience for all.
Andrew Elmore

Andrew Elmore

After playing and loving the course for 35 years, Andrew became a Member of ERGC in 2022 and a Member of the Board in 2024. A lifelong Southerner, he discovered this charming little Great Lakes town while chasing his college sweetheart, Lynne Wonacott, who grew up on Torch Lake and was schooled in Elk Rapids. After becoming empty-nesters and during the pandemic, Lynne and Andrew relocated their permanent residence to Elk Rapids in 2020. Following a 33 year legal career, Andrew has recently retired and looks forward to dedicating more time to ERGC and to his game. The pursuit of improvement in all areas is enticing and he hopes he can solve the question as to why golf is the only thing you can do more of and not get better! He is committed to preserving the many attributes of the Club that make it so unique and special, while keeping an open ear to accommodate cultural, demographic and technological shifts desired by our Membership and clientele.
Mike Weitschat - Board

Mike Weitschat - Board

Mike, Chris and Riley became members in 2006 after 10 years on the waiting list. We still remember receiving the top 50 letter and gladly hand delivered a check to the pro shop the same day! Mike joined the Board of Governors in 2018 and since that time has performed multiple duties including the Chair of the Insurance and Long Term Planning Committees. He is grateful and honored to be part of Board and enjoys helping to guide the club into the future. He is even more grateful for the membership for Chris and Mike. There is never a day on the course with any regrets, it truly is a gift to be part of ERGC and is never taken for granted.
Ellen Baird - Secretary (non-voting member)

Ellen Baird - Secretary (non-voting member)

Ellen has been a member of the Elk Rapids Golf Club since 2019. She plays in the Ladies league and is a sub for the Mixed league. Since October 2022 she has served as Secretary (a non-voting position) to the Board and is currently on the Bylaws Committee. She is grateful for the opportunity to become involved and enjoys interacting with members and those waiting to become members. Ellen began her career working in law offices and retired from Jackson National Life Insurance Company as a compliance consultant. She takes full advantage of all the outdoor recreation the area has to offer and works diligently each year at trying to improve her golf handicap. Her favorite golf partner is her husband, Tom.
Brian Taylor - Historian (non-voting member)

Brian Taylor - Historian (non-voting member)

Brian Taylor and his wife Deborah moved to Elk Rapids in 1980 to raise their family in this beautiful area and wonderful community. After years on the wait list they finally became members of ERGC in 1993. After retirement, Deborah (AT&T) served as a Board member for three years (2008-2010). After a 25 year career in the insurance industry, Brian served three terms (9 years) on the Board from 2013 to 2021. During that time he chaired the Membership/Marketing committee, the Insurance Committee, the Greens Committee and the History Committee. During his tenure on the History committee, the Elk Rapids Golf Club was named a Michigan Historic Site--one of only three courses in Michigan so designated. Brian was honored to be named Club Historian when the Board chose to officially create the position a few years ago. Our Club has a truly extraordinary story which he encourages you to read about on our website. Brian has had the good fortune to be a part of the Club's renaissance and its return to--and embracing of--our Donald J. Ross course design heritage. The future is bright for ERGC.

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